Letjend (Purn) DR TB Silalahi was award as one of 12 leaders concerned about tourism in 2008 in North Sumatra. Award is given on the work of fact and concern for this building, among others, the development of tourism Silangit Airport, making the complex Huta Bataks TB Silalahi Balige Center in the center as well as preservation of cultural objects to tour Maimoon Palace-conservation efforts with the rehabilitation plan that will begin in January 2009.
Delivery of the award in Maimoon Palace-held, on Monday (12 / 1) by Commissioner Waspada Tribuana Said day in order to be Waspada-62. The event was witnessed by Director General of the Department of Tourism Marketing Tourism Sapta Nirwanda, H Gubsu Syamsul Arifin, SE, Kapoldasu Irjen Pol Nanan Soekarna, Kasdam I / BB Yusni, Kajatisu Gortap Marbun, SH, Raja Muda Tengku Delikhan as Hamdi Osman Sultan Deli manager, Konjen Honorary Turkey H Rahmatshah in Medan, members of DPD RI Parlindungan Purba and Pl Afifuddin Lubis Medan mayor and several other leaders. Present on the occasion that children Waspada H founder Mohammad Said, among others, H Rayati Said, and Said Prabudi youthful Said.
After TB Silalahi, who received an award figures each Regent Asahan H Risuddin meritorious assessed to develop tourism through even rafting agenda so that tourism development to routine Sopo Godang Dalihan Natolu in Range, Regent HT Sergei Erry Nuradi, Regent Drs Simalungun Zulkarnaen Damanik, Dairi Regent Master Tumanggor assessed the success of tourism through Dairi Park Iman (TWI), Wo Tan mook (alm) with penangkaran crocodile in Sunggal, Abu Jaya Benjamin Hill Park is built in Sibolangit, Social Zagoto in Nias, JS Pelawi, and Mahyidin Ancient Sohdawat.
TB Silalahi, who was dressed in traditional Malay as Datuq The Payung Affairs, said the award was to consider himself as if the award is quite a lot of time has been obtaining during the active military, government and from other countries and the United Nations. But the acceptance of the award according to him this time is received with the goal to motivate yourself and all parties, especially the government together in order to revive tourism in North Sumatra, which has had anjlok.
Actually valued or not he was, himself still thought to contribute, energy, materials to the network at the national level and internationally in order to develop tourism in the North Sumatra.
Constraints on the world tourism for this information Sumut TB is the lack of local government for many years in pembenahan infrastructure, roads, tourist attractions and hotel accommodation. Formerly, he said, Tobasa must be for 5 to 6 hours. This could have been solved with the return dihidupkannya Airport Silangit marked with landing aircraft Foker-28 aircraft followed mendaratnya President SBY and a number of ministers a few years ago.
"Now Tobasa have adopted a few minutes on the plane, that can result from dipercepat lobby-lobby to the center. Previously, people who visit Balige forced menginapnya in Parapat because there are no hotels. We also build the first hotel berstandar the national Ompu Herti Hotel and Resort in Balige Tiara flowers where President SBY has been stayed, "the story pack of TB.
According to him, Sumut has many natural tourist potential, ekoturism, culture and others that even exceed the quality of other countries. In fact, President SBY also said the natural beauty of the earth's look at Tapanuli Huta Ginjang that dinilainya as The Most Wonderful in the World.
"Strangely quiet tourist-deserted just society and the economy is still not picked up. In many countries the ordinary objects wisatanya-pedestrian wisatawannya even exceed the number of residents. When I served in the Egyptian population 60 million, but wismannya about 60 million people that is prosperous, "he said.
TB Silalahi added, starting this year Maimoon Palace-will be enhanced with the rehabilitation of some sections, but keep the keasrian and authenticity. The rehabilitation plan on the results of the stakeholders rembug Deli sultanate that Maimoon Palace-the center of Malay culture as well as increase the attractiveness Maimoon Palace-for tourists. "We see in the next 7 days to Maimoon Palace-face," he said.
Meanwhile, H Gubsu Syamsul Arifin said in his speech, the beginning of the year 2009 the road toll-Tebing Tinggi Medan will be that time of the start of the object and the excellent tour of North Sumatra Lake Toba can be more brief. Besides Medan-Binjai will also be resumed later. This he said is the solution to the constraints dikeluhkan the perpetrators of tourism for many years.
"People say is stupid and Syamsul-joke joke. How do the people who led Sumut ugly, black again. Pak Kapolda Nanan was black, but there he was steady. I do not like to create a tense atmosphere. Because if the suspense is sin Kapolda Nanan. Subordinate to any unnecessary suspense, "he greeted the audience laughter.
During the 7 months he said the situation is okay Gubsu-oke. If there is a lack of any expected to be completed with the dialogue because of human error and negligence have so no need to vilify each other, treacherous and vilify each other let alone throw. "I also did not promise anything but see better results. People will judge whether the people who receive the award that is worth it, "said Gubsu
Tentang objek wisata tah iki?
Yo,tapi gak apa wes...yg penting jalan2 deh...Yg penting sehat supaya bisa makan2 dan jalan2 lagi bersama "wisata alam danau toba"...
danau toba.......
kapan yah aq kesana....
pengen jadinya
ndak bisa basa inggris aku
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