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09 February 2009

Batak Dance Society

There are no translations availableTidak full exploration of it seems to TC Samosir regency in Samosir island 
when you do not have time to watch traditional dances on the hobo community antiquity. This dance can 
we see in the Museum Huta Bolon Simanindo, a distance of 4km from the city Panguguran. Schedule shows that its 
from Monday to Friday, just show the new sunday day starting at 11:45, after 
completed from the church. 
Right TC arrived at 10:00 at the show, its place is filled with shady trees, and not far from 
the entrance, there is a counter, with pay about Rp.50ribu we have to get paper guide dance. 
This guide consists of several foreign languages, including English, Italian, French, and German, not surprisingly district 
Samosir is also one of the favorite places for foreign tourists. 
  Correct course, not long after buying a ticket TC in, right behind the TC there is a group of foreign tourists who want to 
witness this dance, some of them taste of Australia, Germany and the United States by diriingi guide them 
respectively. We all go to the show arena. A wide field, in the field 
there are two custom house hobo who stood firmly with, and it is front seat of stone 
to the audience. Right behind the seat behind the spectators there are about five-stage with the roof 
typical hobo, and each stage is apparently room for the king. 
  There is room between the king and kingdom petinggi-petinggi for deliberation, there is room for the king and 
bercengkerama family to family, and there is also room for the king alone. Each room 
it consists of houses and standing parallel to one another. 
  Indigenous vagabond dance itself consists of 12 sections, in which each part has a different story - 
different. Accompanied by the traditional means of vagabond music, dance even started. First there is a head of the customs 
while carrying out a water buffalo, and buffalo is tied to a tree in the middle - 
middle of the field. 
  Not long after some of the dancers out of the custom house. They were dressed in traditional full, do not forget ulos 
which is the hobo community pride. In the first phase in about how people describe hobo 
thank the gods because they take the buffalo to the village did not do the things that are not good and 
harm them, this themed dance Gondang Lae-lae. 
  In the next stanza with the name Gondang Firstly, told here about the feeling of gratitude to 
heaven, earth and all things that God has created and provided for them. Through the Gondang 
Mulajadi dance is a sense of gratitude because the application has been granted by God. 
  Followed by Gondang Sahata Mangaliat, here the dancers buffalo corral bernari tied before, in 
action is actually water buffalo in the meat and made the sacrifice share to those who participate 
is customary in the event. 
  Gondang Marsiolopan in this round they gave each other goodbye and proceed with Gondang Siboru, 
where in this phase be told about how a man must choose one of three women who he 
met in the party for dinikahi, as a sign that the men have found the woman then the soul 
pris that will give money to the woman as a sign that the man is serious, is called phase 
Gondang sidoli. 
  Gondang Pangurason proceed with the spirit of the ancestor will enter the body of one of the dancers and the 
dancers will be in semprotkan with holy water to restore the kesadarannya as they are. After that followed 
with Gondang Habonaran, where two young people show that the war dance, the winner 
symbolizes the truth and the less the crime. 
  After the winner out then celebrated with dance-Tor tor Single Panaluan, here the dancers 
invite spectators to join together and go down and bernari. The dancers and the audience will be about 
ulos cloth to give, who should receive it took down and danced with them. 
  And dance is the last Gondang Sigale-Gale. Dance is told about a king who has 
single child and the King is very dear to the child one - only this and the king is expected 
that her son will become King of the wise candidate soon. Then it suddenly fell ill ago her son died. 
The King is very sad because the child lost only one - only this. In order to treat the king's taste rindunya 
explore carpenter most powerful of the corners of the country and make a wood sculpture that resembles a child. 
But unfortunately wood can not be moved, such as children who are to make a statue lincah.kemudian 
is to move the king to call the spirit of her son to go into the statue. 
  Sigale-gale dance itself is a wooden doll with, first doll was always the spirit 
http://liburan.info Powered by Joomla! Generated: 10 February, 2009, 09:47 to menggerakkannya, but now they use a rope that tied the body of the statue overlooks woods. 
  Truly a performance that was amazing. Just 45 minutes, you will get the dance course 
tradition which is very interesting and very unique. You must watch this dance when you come to the island of Samosir.

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