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01 February 2009

Surfing In Nias Island - North Sumatera - Indonesia

One of the simple huts that can be inhabited by many people began 2-4 built on the island of Asu. Food and other facilities already provided by the manager of the "cottage" is. 

Deburan waves is one of the attraction of tourists to Pulau Asu to surf. Marine clear, green-plated and clear blue water to the spectacular white sand beach. Nyiur blue sky and coconut trees, which continues to flow to the sea breeze comes, a scene apart. 

Natural beauty as if it will compete with the charm and culture megalitik also houses customs and various environment-friendly society works Nias, North Sumatra, which has aged hundreds of years. 

Nias not have any cultural heritage, dance and historical traditions. Natural beauty of the original and still captivating the beach was not much terkuak. Nias Island and 130-an island that has the potential mengelilinginya beach and the waves are very beautiful. 

Surfing (surfing) or simply be naked chest enjoy mentari rays on the beach, into a sticky with Nias and surrounding islands. Even though, potential has not yet been processed optimally, especially after the disaster-stricken Nias earthquake and tsunami. 

Some tourism object Nias is an internationally known, from the place that surfing may be spelled out to compete with Hawaii, and that is in Sorake Beach Lagundri, complex and custom house in the village Bawamataluo Nias, South Nias. Also ritus jump and dance rock war. Likewise in District Sirombu Onolimbu there is the Village People. 

In addition to Sorake Beach and Beach Lagundri, Nias appeared to still have some potential waves and beaches for surfing tour with a height of between 4-8 meters. Just call the island and Pulau Asu Take the Hinako Islands, District Sirombu. 

The beauty of Pulau Asu may not be much different from the islands in the area. But the situation is calm and hospitality local people to make a stand for a tourist to enjoy the island. Can believe it or not, but the items that tourists left behind a few days outside the lodging certainly remain safe. 

"Potential natural small islands of Nias in the hospitality and the local people actually become an important factor to encourage tourism development in Nias. Nias This is the time to rise," said Head of Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency (BRR) Nias, William P Sabandar. 

Time before the sunset on the island of Asu, District Sirombu, Nias regency, is interesting for its scenery peselancar in the island. 

Crystal clear sea and white sand beach that is still the place terawat the intent to remove the fatigue and play with the local people. Facilities and transportation to the island of Asu is still limited. Asu Island, with about 20 families (KK) penghuninya, it appeared that only four have komplekscottage simple. Each cottage has a complex 5-6 unit houses. The tourists who spend-to-day life in general there waiting time is right to surf. 

  Meanwhile, the transportation is usually passed by speedboat from the mainland Nias, precisely in the District of Sirombu, followed with about 1.5 hours. If using the regular motor boat trip will be 3-4 hours, depending on the height of waves itupun. While the journey from Gunung Sitoli, Nias City District, the Sirombu also at this time to be faster after a number of road maintenance and be dilated. 

Isolation Nias and surrounding islands, such as Pulau Asu, clearly visible. Because the sea that separates Nias and the islands of Sumatra Island is in the ocean. Meanwhile, ocean transportation is still very minimal. Many of the sea, air and land, slowly improved. This is the time the potential for tourism in Nias after the rise of transportation and infrastructure constraints overcame with the presence of the tens of billions of rupiah. 

"The challenge at this time is how the momentum of development of infrastructure and the potential for such a huge economic stimulus Nias people who are very terpuruk," said Agus Mendrofa, one of the central figures Nias to promote the island's tourism potential.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ayo qt berselancar! Yo wes siap iki...


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